3DSMAX Bridge
Tired of switching between 3DS Max and RizomUV while modeling and unwrapping? Tit Lavrov created a bridge that transfers UVs from 3DS Max to RizomUV and vice versa. This will simplify your workflow so you can focus on what’s really important: Your art.
Community Maintained/Discontinued: C4D BRIDGE
If you, like many other Cinema 4D users use an external application for your UV mapping needs, you may already be familiar with the RizomUV workflow. You’ll probably also be a little fed up with the whole Model – > Export ->UV unwrap->Export->Import workflow.
Arsen Chachanidze simplified this for you by creating a bridge which transfers UVs from C4D to RizomUV and vice versa. The last bridge supports C4D 20-21, and the 22, 23 versions are community maintained at our Discord Channel – Click here to go there
Modo LiveLink
If you’re a MODO user and use an external UV mapper for your unwrapping, you may already be familiar with the RizomUV workflow. Franck Elsabeth, a.k.a sm0luck has made your workflow even easier by creating a Modo LiveLink, which eliminates that whole annoying Model – > Export ->UV unwrap->Export->Import workflow.
The current LiveLink requires Modo 11.2v3 as a minimum, and needs Windows to run. (Mac is not currently not supported ) and of course you need to have a valid license of RizomUV Software to process the UV Data.
Blender Bridge
Created by Matt Ashpole, this Blender bridge should make switching between the applications significantly easier from 2.8 and upward
Lightwave3D Bridge
Created by multi-bridge maker Oliver Hotz from Origami Digital, this bridge provides access to the Rizom UV application’s features via the bridge included in Origami Digital’s OD 2018 Tool Set and its upgrade, as well as the LW 2018 Uberpass.
zBrush 2018 Bridge
Created by multi-bridge maker Oliver Hotz from Origami Digital, this free bridge provides access to the Rizom UV application’s features a simple bridge between the applications
Maya 2018 Bridge
Oliver Hotz made this bridge for RizomUV and Maya.